![Logo for Athens Christian School](https://www.athenschristianschool.org/editoruploads/images/ATHENS%20CHRISTIAN%20SCHOOL%20LOGO%20W%20WORDS.png)
Bus Routes
ACS is happy to provide student transportation to and from school. These services are provided for a monthly fee, and with the understanding that every student will abide by all guidelines established for a safe and enjoyable ride. Below you can access the bus stops and schedule for the 2023-2024 school year. If you have any questions concerning transportation, please contact the Transportation Director, Mrs. Cortese.
Only the first two students in a family pay regular monthly bus fees. Additional students in a family are at no charge for regular monthly bus services.
If someone is not a regular bus rider, but they need this service in an emergency, the fee is $10 daily per student.
Car Line
Please use the following traffic route guidelines for morning drop off and afternoon pick up. These routes keep our students safe and help move everyone through the line in the most efficient way.
9th grade students may be dropped off at the Middle School drop off IF they start the day on the 9th grade hall.
Each day the ACS patrols faithfully assist our students, parents, and bus drivers. They manage the crosswalk, open car doors, keep the line moving, and help on the buses.