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Steve Cummings is a 1981 graduate of Athens Christian School, and the youngest son of ACS Founders, Drs. Buhl and Lois Cummings.  In 1984, Mr. Cummings graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education from Bob Jones University, and in 1987, obtained his Juris Doctor degree from The University of Georgia School of Law.  Following a two-year, federal judicial clerkship, Mr. Cummings practiced law in Atlanta and Athens from 1989 until July, 2008, and served as Legal Counsel for the American Association of Christian Schools.  In July of 2008, Mr. Cummings became the second Head of School in the history of Athens Christian School.   Mr. Cummings is married to Michelle Hebert Cummings from Kenner, Louisiana, and has four sons, Joshua, Elijah, Titus, and Seth.



Peter Vlaming is a French teacher in Virginia, who was fired for declining to refer to a female student with male pronouns.  Even though his religious beliefs would not allow him to refer to the student with male pronouns, he DID refer to the student with her preferred name instead of her given name.  The School Board fired him anyway.

With the help of Alliance Defending Freedom, Peter sued the School Board and won.  After a favorable court ruling, the School Board agreed to settle.  The Board paid Peter $575,000 and cleared the firing from his record.

Good for Peter!  May his win help protect the First Amendment rights of teachers across the Country.



CONGRATS, CROSS COUNTRY EAGLES! - This past Saturday, the ACS Varsity Cross Country teams competed in the Alexander Asics XC Championships, which included over 2600 runners from the best XC Teams in the State.

    Both teams had a fantastic showing, as the Boys Team finished 1st in their Division Race, and the Girls finished 2nd in their race.  Johann Brink was the overall winner in the Boys race, while Zach Akins came in 6th.  Conner Holland, Butler Dekle, and Clifford Cooper rounded out the top 5 scoring runners for ACS.

    In the Girls race, Reagan Lee finished 6th overall, followed by Kaiya Smoot, Jiwoo Kim, Jainayah Dixon, and Micah Cloud.

    GREAT JOB to both of the ACS XC Teams!


This coming Monday, October 7, will mark the one year anniversary of the brutal attacks that the terrorist organization Hamas carried out on Israeli towns outside of the Gaza strip.  The attacks occurred on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.  

Over 1,200 innocent people were killed, and over 250 more were taken hostage.  The vast majority of hostages are now dead or remain with their captors.

While Americans may be divided on many topics, we should be united in our support for Israel.  Israel is the only functioning democracy in the mideast, and has long been an ally of the U.S.  We should never forget 9/11 or 10/7.    

9/27/24 - PROVIDENCE

George Washington was a big believer in God's providence.  When Washington resigned his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, he said this:  "I consider it as an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my official life by commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintendence of them to His holy keeping.”

By His divine providence, God allowed this Country to come into existence, and He has superintended over our Country's existence for 248 years.  In the words of the Father of our Country, may our Country continue to enjoy the protection of our Almighty God.


 We had a great Homecoming Night last Friday, as the Eagles beat Riverside Prep 50-18, and Senior Presley Hembree was named the 2024 Homecoming Queen.

    Presley has been at ACS since she was in Kindergarten.  She is a talented young lady who has contributed in so many ways during her years at ACS.  Presley is a member of the National Honor Society, and she has participated in basketball and soccer.  She also was voted 1st team All Region in softball last season.

    We also wanted to congratulate Hannah Kennedy, who is a UGA Merit Scholar and was voted Homecoming Queen Runner-Up, and Kade Laseter, who was this year's Homecoming King.  Great job!


This week we honor the 2,977 victims who died on 9/11/01. Soon after 9/11, workers found a pear tree that had been reduced to an 8-foot tall stump in the wreckage at Ground Zero.  The tree was nursed back to health and grew to be 30 feet tall.  It has been named the "Survivor Tree," and now stands in the 9/11 Memorial in New York.  This special tree represents the story of survival and resilience that is so important to the history of 9/11.

    As we recall the events of 9/11, let's thank God that He continues to sustain our Country.  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."


Proverbs 16:24 says this: "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."  Why would Scripture compare gracious words to honey?

    Throughout history, raw honey has been used to heal a variety of human ailments.  Honey contains antioxidants that protect our bodies from cancer and heart disease.  Honey also contains natural antibacterial agents that fight infection.  Honey can heal sore throats and stomach ulcers.

    Our words can bring healing to others.  Unfortunately, so much rhetoric today is used to destroy people.  At ACS, we are teaching our students what Scripture says about the words that we speak.  Words are powerful.  We should use them to bring healing, and not hurt, to others.



When I was growing up, my Dad had a plaque in his office that said this:  "Only one life, will soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last."

So many people throughout history have accomplished amazing things for mankind, but when this earth is past, those things will no longer have any meaning.  The message on my Dad's plaque was a call to do those things that have eternal value.

Scripture teaches that serving others is not about doing great things, but instead, it's about doing small things with great love.  Each day at ACS, we are teaching our students that the small things we do for others are the very things that will last into eternity.


We are excited to welcome Coach Tim Early as our new Athletic Director at Athens Christian School!

Coach Early has over 20 years of coaching experience at the high school, middle school, and youth levels.  He also has served as the Athletic Director at Westminster Catawba Christian School, Bethlehem Christian Academy, and Robert F. Munroe High School over the last 10 years.

What I love about Coach Early is that he is a "relational" leader.  In his short time here, he is already building life-changing relationships with our Coaches, our Players, and our Parents.  We are looking forward to the large and positive impact Coach Early will have on our ACS community over the next several years!


07/12/24…REAL OR NOT REAL? - The first sin recorded in the Bible was a lie.  It came from Satan, the father of lies, and it was about God. The lie promised Eve that she would "be like God" if she ate the forbidden fruit.

One tragic consequence resulting from the proliferation of social media is the dramatic increase in the spreading of lies.  It seems that people no longer see the need to "spin" the truth when an outright lie will do.

At ACS, we are training our young people to discern truth.  This may be one of the more important tools they will carry with them throughout their lives.  Real or not real?  It can be a question with eternal consequences.


07/05/24…CELEBRATING OUR LIBERTIES!  The Founders of our Country realized that the Constitution would only be ratified if our most valued freedoms were guaranteed through the Bill of Rights.  The First Amendment to our Constitution guarantees five of those freedoms, including the freedom to practice our religion, and the freedom of speech.

This week we have the great privilege to celebrate our freedoms.  To remember what makes our Country different from any other.  To remember the great sacrifices that have been made throughout our history to secure these freedoms for us.  To remember that, even when we disagree with certain things happening in our Country, we still live in the greatest Country on earth.  May freedom continue to ring!


06/28/24…ANNIVERSARY MONTH - Happy Anniversary to all of you who are celebrating anniversaries this month!

Athens Christian will be celebrating 55 years in Christian education this year.  The School was started with a vision to provide a quality education in a Christian atmosphere to families in Northeast Georgia.  Christian education may be more important now than it ever has been.

As we look back on how we have been uniquely blessed over five decades, we look forward with great anticipation to what the future holds.  If you are not familiar with ACS, we hope you will pay us a visit.  The Lord is truly doing great things here, and we are glad.


06/21/24…OUR ICONIC SYMBOL OF FREEDOM - One hundred years ago this week, the Statue of Liberty arrived in America.  A gift from France, Lady Liberty stands as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

Twelve million immigrants came through nearby Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954.  Each immigrant was required to have proper documentation, including satisfactory answers to a list of 26 questions.  According to one source, “America wanted to ensure that anyone entering the country was legal, law-abiding, healthy, and able to work so that the government would not have to support them.”

We once had a process to bring people into our country legally.  Our southern border is now a sad reminder we no longer do it the right way.


06/14/24… YOUR BEST INVESTMENT!  More and more families are looking for an alternative to public education, as children continue to be exposed to transgenderism, CRT, and declining academic standards in our public schools.  One of the best investments you can make is to give your child the chance to thrive in a private school setting.

For over five decades, Athens Christian has provided an excellent education in a Christian atmosphere.  Our graduates are in colleges and universities across the Country, pursuing their dreams and making a difference in their

Athens Christian provides a great value in private, Christian education, and financial aid is available.  If you are looking for the best investment for your child, check out Athens Christian School.


06/07/24…..REMEMBERING D-DAY - On June 6, 1944, Allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in history.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged our Nation to cover the invasion in prayer.

FDR's own prayer was heard on radio by an estimated 100 million people across the globe.  His prayer included these words:  “Almighty God: Our sons . . . have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.”

Hundreds of thousands of Americans filled churches to pray that day.  Anne Frank wrote in her diary, "I have the feeling that friends are on the way."  May prayer bring our Country together today, without the necessity of a global conflict.

05/31/24…..HONORING THOSE WHO DIED FOR US - The genesis of Memorial Day began after the Civil War when a veterans' association issued a formal proclamation that established May 30 as the official day for the decoration of war graves.  The initial proclamation stated that the day was to remember "the memory of our heroic dead who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foes."

As John D. Wilsey wrote in an article entitled The Debt We Owe, "[P]atriotism  is expressed through gratitude for real people who made actual sacrifices so that you and I might enjoy tangible blessings - and hand those blessings down to our children and grandchildren."

This week, remember those who died to keep us free.

05/24/24…..CONGRATS, CLASS OF 2024!  This past Saturday, we said farewell to a gifted group of Seniors from the Class of 2024.  Many of our graduates have been at ACS for 12 or more years, and this class brought us a unique balance of excellence in academics, in the arts, and in athletics.

Our talented group of 54 Seniors was awarded over $1.9 million in academic and athletic scholarship money.  In addition, an amazing 70% of this year's class qualified for Zell Miller or Hope Scholarships!
Congratulations to Valedictorian, Josh Akers, and to Salutatorian Bryson Jones. We are so proud of all of our Seniors and know they will accomplish great things in life to further His Kingdom!


05/17/24…AWESOME FINISH!  Congratulations to both our Boys and Girls  Track teams for outstanding efforts at the State Track Championships this past week.  The Boys finished as State Runner-Ups, and our defending State Champion Girls' team finished 3rd in State.

The Boys Championship came down to the last event, as Darlington won the last race to edge out ACS by a single point.  The Girls exceeded expectations by jumping to 3rd place on the final day.

Two of our athletes set new GHSA Single A records!  Clarke Byram set the record with a jump of 16 feet in the pole vault, and Johann Brink had a new record time of 4:25:46 in the 1600 meters.



05/10/24…THANK A TEACHER!  Teacher Appreciation Week is this week!  At ACS, we could not be more proud of the dedicated and experienced educators who pour into our students each day.

One characteristic of our teachers is that they not only prepare students academically, but they prepare them spiritually as well.  Each student is cared for individually, so that he or she has the best possible foundation before heading into college and beyond.

A well-known bumper sticker says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher."  So true.  Many of us have fond memories of those teachers who encouraged us, challenged us, and made us better people.  If a teacher positively impacted your life, reach out and thank them today!

05/03/24…MARY POPPINS -The ACS Drama Department did a FANTASTIC job presenting our 2024 Spring Musical, Mary Poppins, this past week.

Based on the musical comedy, Mary Poppins visits a dysfunctional family in London and brings her unique brand of caring to transform the family dynamic.  A talented group of performers led the way as Hollis Williams was wonderful as Mary Poppins, and Gavin Crawford was masterful as Bert. Ethan Woodlief, Annie Rollins, Maddy Raines, and Huck Martin kept us on the edge of our seats in their roles as the Banks family.

Thanks to the faculty members and parent volunteers who made this a success, especially Directors Monica Woodlief and Heather Pillsbury, and Choreographer Michelle Cummings.  You made us all proud!


04/26/24…REGION CHAMPS! - Congratulations to Coach Jake Westbrook and the Athens Christian Baseball Team for winning the Region 8A Championship this year.  The Eagles finished up the regular season with a record of 17-5, while going 13-2 in region play.

This team exhibited amazing chemistry and a "won't quit" attitude all season.  In the Region Championship series, they won Game 2 in extra innings, and then scored 4 in the bottom of the 7th of Game 3 to take the Region Crown.

The Eagles have been led all year by Seniors Parker Westbrook, Jacob Gafner, Drew Whitlock, and JD Garland. We're proud of this team and wish them the best as they move forward in the State playoffs!


04/19/24…BAPTISM FIRING?  On October 23, 2023, 20 football players were baptized following a football practice at Tattnall County High School.  When the Freedom from Religion Foundation learned about the baptisms, it wrote a letter to the school board alleging the coach had "abused his power."  The letter further warned that the school district "must refrain from infusing its football program with religion."  After receiving the letter, the school district relieved the head coach of his coaching duties.

The school district now says the firing was related to an incident that occurred following a game on November 3.  Of course, the timing is "curious."

At ACS, we intentionally try to "infuse" religion with athletics.  It's a privilege we don't take for granted.


04/12/24…"HATE SPEECH" HYPOCRISY - Perhaps you've heard about Scotland's new hate speech law that went into effect last week.  Under the law, citizens cannot say anything that might be considered harassing or insulting about someone's sexual orientation, transgender identity, or variations in sex characteristics.  J.K. Rowling, an outspoken critic of the law, said that freedom of speech and belief are now at an end in Scotland.

Interestingly enough, the law has one big exception.  Specifically, the law says you can express your dislike, ridicule, and even insults toward those who engage in religious beliefs and practices.  You can also urge people to "cease practicing their religions."

Don't insult certain groups, but insult the religious people all you want.  It's the new way in Scotland.


04/05/24…CONGRATS, ACS HOOPSTERS! - Three ACS basketball players recently received All-State honors from the Georgia Basketball Coaches Association.  For the Boys, Hampton Ford was named the Single A, Division 1 North Player of the Year.  Hamp had an amazing season leading the team in scoring and assists, and propelling the Eagles to their second straight Region 8A Championship.

For the Girls, Senior Natalee Goff and Sophomore Marlene Mbilima were both named to the Single A, Division 1 North All-State Team.  Natalee eclipsed the 1000 point scoring mark this year, and Marlene led the team in rebounds and blocks. The ACS Girls team made school history by advancing to the Final Four, losing to eventual State Champion St. Francis.

Awesome job, Hamp, Natalee and Marlene!

03/29/24 HOLY WEEK . . .  Believers around the world are now celebrating Holy Week - the 8-day period of time that preceded and included the death and resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  From Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday, the most important events in the history of the world occurred during the very first Holy Week.

Jesus did not come to overthrow the Roman government and set the Jews free.  Instead, He came to overthrow evil, and to set everyone free who believes in Him.  His Kingdom is eternal, not temporal.

The religious leaders of the day sought to have Jesus put to death.  Little did they realize that His death and resurrection was the plan to bring eternal life to all believers.

03/22/24…STATE CHAMPS!  Several ACS high school students participated in the State Literary Competition in Warner Robins this past weekend.  These students qualified for State by either winning or finishing in the top 3 of the Region competition.

We want to give a huge SHOUT OUT to our Girls Trio for winning a State Championship!  The team consisted of Senior Hollis Williams, Junior Annie Rollins, and Sophomore Ansley Moore.  Hollis also placed 2nd in State in Girls Solo.  Hannah Stephenson (4th in Literary Analysis) and Ethan Woodlief (5th in Boys Solo) also did a great job on Saturday.

We also congratulate our FFA Nursery Landscape Team, as they recently placed 2nd in Area and will be advancing to State.  Great job, folks!


03/15/24…CHANGING COURSE?  Recently, I read an article from the New York Times with this byline - "They wanted to roll back tough-on-crime policies.  Then violent crime surged."  The article cited statistics confirming that violent crime rose sharply in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco after progressive prosecutors were elected to office.  Nevertheless, after citing the statistics, the article had a baffling conclusion.  "That's left no clear evidence linking progressive policies to these trends . . ."  No clear evidence??  Whaaatt?

Progressive soft-on-crime policies have come home to roost in cities across the Country.  As a result, some cities are starting to reject harmful policies that put criminals back on the streets.  Let's hope the trend toward restoring law and order continues.


03/08/24…ATHENS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE FAIR!  We were excited to host a number of Christian colleges on the ACS campus this week.  This special event gave our high school students the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives from Christian colleges across the southeast.

College fairs can play an important role in the college selection process.  Students have the opportunity to meet with several schools at one time and obtain detailed information on the degree and extracurricular programs available at these schools.  For those new to the process, a college fair is a great way to learn about admission deadlines, financial aid possibilities, and acceptance requirements.

Thanks to all the folks who made our Athens Christian College Fair a huge success!


03/01/24…HOSTILITIES ON THE RISE - If you get the feeling that attacks on churches have risen over the past couple of years, you're right.  A recent report from the Family Research Council documents the sobering news.

In 2021, FRC tracked 96 acts of hostility against churches.  In 2022, that number rose to 195.  In 2023, FRC recorded a staggering 436 attacks against churches.  The number of attacks has risen 800% since the FRC started documenting these events in 2018.  Unfortunately, only a handful of these cases are under investigation as hate crimes.

Why the increase?  FRC attributed the rise in hostile acts to a growing disdain for Christianity and core Christian beliefs in our culture.  Whatever the reason, the numbers don't lie.



02/23/24…REGION CHAMPS! - Congratulations to Coach Dan Lampe and the Athens Christian Boys Basketball Team for winning the Region 8A Championship this past weekend.  This marks the 2nd Region Championship in a row for the Boys.  The Lady Eagles have also had an amazing season thus far, and lost a hard fought battle to Rabun County for the Region crown.

Hampton and Harper Ford led the Eagles to victory on Friday night.  Both the Boys and Girls teams  will take on Social Circle in the first round of the State playoffs.  The games will be played at ACS on Wednesday evening.

We are humbled and thankful for the success the Lord has given our Varsity basketball teams this season.


02/16/24…LEGAL EAGLES!  The ACS Mock Trial Team had a great day this past weekend at the Georgia High School Mock Trial Competition.  The Legal Eagles swept North Oconee 3-0, but were beaten by the defending State Mock Trial Champions from Jonesboro in a very close round.

Hannah Stephenson and Noah Gray won Best Lawyer Awards, and Kaiya Smoot won a Best Witness Award.  Other team members included Jackson Arledge, Maddie Armour, Geo Brown, Wyatt Christian, Gavin Crawford, Seth Cummings, Josephine Hammock, Patrick Morris, and Hollis Williams.

Thanks to Student Coach, Scott Crawford, who does a great job working with our young lawyers and witnesses.  With several Freshmen and Sophomores competing this year, the Mock Trial program is excited about the future!


02/09/24…CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN!  The ACS Middle School Drama Club entertained us this weekend with 3 wonderful performances of the well-known American comedy, Cheaper By the Dozen.  The play is based on a novel written by Frank Gilbreth and his sister, in which they recount their semi-biographical story of growing up in a family of 12 children.

Bladen Smith and Abigail Hutton charmed us with their portrayals of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreth.  Other cast members included Emmie Zwirn, Seth Woodlief, Robert Hutton, Buck Jackel, Harlem Ford, Asher King, Charli Fulghum, Kayln Bridges, Lucie Iodice, JoyAnna Kelly, Evelyn Howell, Addison Campbell, McKinley Bryant, and Maddy Raines.

Thanks to ACS veteran Jack Bamford for doing a great job in training our young thespians.

02/02/24…FUNDING TERROR?  The United Nations Relief & Works Agency (the "UNRWA") was established by the United Nations after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war to provide humanitarian assistance to Palestinians.  In 2022, the United States contributed $344 million to the UNRWA.

Late last week, Israel accused 12 UNRWA employees with direct involvement in the October 7 massacre.  As part of the accusations, Israel provided information concerning specific actions the employees took in supporting the terrorist attack.
In a recent statement, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said nine of the 12 UNRWA staff members at the center of the allegations had been fired.  One other was dead, and the identities of two others were still “being clarified."  Is this what we are funding?

01/26/24…DAR WINNERS! - Congratulations to ACS Fifth Grader Nolan Graham and Senior Jacie Culbertson for being named winners of this year's DAR Essay Contest.  This annual competition is sponsored by the Elijah Clarke Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and this year's theme focused on the American composer, John Philip Sousa.

The DAR is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children.  The DAR gives out thousands of dollars in educational scholarships each year.

The DAR Essay Contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation's great history.  ACS thanks our local DAR Chapter for promoting this important educational pursuit.

01/19/24…WHAT DO YOU WORSHIP?  Worship is regarding someone or something with great respect, honor, or devotion.  In other words, worship is valuing or treasuring someone or something above all other people or things.  Your object of worship absorbs your heart and your imagination.

I believe most of us worship something.  It may be our esteem, money, or influence.  Or, it may be something outside of ourselves, like Mother Earth - worshiping the creation rather than the Creator.

Scripture says that worshiping anyone or anything above God is idolatry.  Idols don't have to be golden statues.  They can be anything that takes the place of God in our lives.

What do you worship?  The answer may determine your eternal destiny.

01/12/24…FEELING THE SQUEEZE - "It's not my problem until it comes to my doorstep."  That's been the accepted thought process of sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago - at least until now.

While Texas and Arizona have borne the brunt of illegal immigration crossings for decades, they are doing so alone no longer.  After a few thousand migrants arrived by bus in New York, Mayor Eric Adams cried "foul."  In response, Adams sued the busing companies for $700 million arguing they should pay for the migrants.  How utterly absurd!

The immigrant population in the US has increased by 4.5 million people under the Biden administration.  That is more than the individual populations of 25 U.S. states.  It is a REAL problem.

12/29/23…WAS HE THE MESSIAH?  Not many people dispute the fact that Jesus was a Jewish historical figure who lived over 2000 years ago.  The controversy over Jesus is whether He was who He claimed to be - the Messiah, the Savior of sinners.

Some claim He was a great teacher, or even a prophet, but not the Messiah.  But if he was not the Messiah, then His claim that He was the Savior of sinners was a lie.  How could Jesus be a "great teacher" if He lied about who He was?

If He was not a liar, then He is who He claimed to be.  He was and is the Messiah, and we joyfully celebrate His birth again this Christmas!

12/22/23…UNLIKELY WITNESSES  - The shepherds that lived outside of Bethlehem when Jesus was born were quite ordinary.  They were not wealthy, they were not powerful, and they were not held in high esteem.  Yet these shepherds were the first people to hear the greatest news that had ever been given to mankind - "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Why did God choose shepherds for this special message?  Perhaps it was because these shepherds raised lambs that were sacrificed as sin offerings, and God knew that His son Jesus would one day be the perfect sacrifice, whose death would take away the sins of those who believe in Him.

12/15/23…UNLIKELY MOTHER - Mary, the mother of Jesus, was from the small town of Nazareth, near the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel.  Most of the 400 inhabitants of this small town were peasant farmers.  Mary was a teenager when she was visited by an angel.  She was poor.  She was unknown.  She was a virgin.

Yet Mary was chosen among all women to be the mother of the Messiah.  She gave birth in Bethlehem, in fulfillment of Micah's prophecy.  She supported her Son's ministry.  She was an eyewitness to His crucifixion.

Mary was chosen.  She fulfilled her role faithfully.  And most importantly, she understood who Jesus was - both her Savior, and the Savior of all who believe in Him.


12/01/23…SHOEBOX SURPRISE!  Each year, Athens Christian School teams up with Operation Christmas Child to send shoeboxes filled with small gifts to children in need around the world.  The shoeboxes also include a booklet which shares the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Over the years, OCC has sent over 209 million boxes across the globe.  For most children, this will be one of the first gifts they have ever received.  We can follow where our shoeboxes are delivered on the OCC website tracker.

ACS contributed over 900 boxes to this year's effort.  Congrats to Micah Cloud, who went above and beyond by bringing in 80 shoeboxes!  And, a special thanks to Mrs. Susan Beacham for spearheading our shoebox drive!

11/24/23…THE THANKSGIVING PRESIDENTS - For Americans, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of God’s blessings on our Country.  In 1789, President George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving Proclamation:

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor . . .  I appoint Thursday, the 26th day of November, 1789 . . . that we may all unite to render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection.”

In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a day “of Thanksgiving and Praise to our benevolent Father.”

Two great Presidents summing up what Thanksgiving is all about.

11/17/23…AMAZING EFFORT!  One of the most important things we do each year at ACS is to participate in the NE Georgia Food Bank's Hunger Bowl Campaign.  This year, after an incredible outpouring of generosity by our ACS families, we smashed our school goal and brought in the equivalent of over 104,000 cans of food.  That is AMAZING!

I could not be more proud of our ACS community, as 17 of our homerooms had 100% student participation in the Hunger Bowl campaign.  

Thank you to Rhonda Herring and Sara Crawford who headed up our efforts.  And, thanks to all of our faculty members who encouraged our students to give, and who talked to them about "why" we give.

11/10/23…"THEY IGNORE US" - High school students in Loudoun County Virginia walked out of class last week in protest of a policy that allows gender-fluid students to use whichever bathrooms and locker rooms they choose. This follows a well-publicized incident in Loudoun County where a male student assaulted a female student in a high school restroom.

One female student said,  "I stopped using [the bathrooms] because I don't know what's going to happen to me in there. . . .  We're sick of . . . being completely ignored."  When discussing the boys' locker room, one male student said, "natural-born females can walk in there as they please. . . . And that is not OK."

How incredibly sad that teenage students no longer feel safe in their own bathrooms and locker rooms. 

11/03/23…CONGRATS, CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPS! This past Thursday, the ACS Varsity Girls Cross Country Team won the Region 8A Championship, while our Varsity Boys Team was the Region Runner-Up!

Sophomore Ansley Moore was the individual Region Champion on the Girls' side, and Sophomore Johann Brink was the individual Region Champion on the Boys' side.  The following runners also contributed in a big way to the wins: McKinley Smith, Josi Vaughn, Millie Smith, and Kaiya Smoot.  And for the Boys - Zach Akins, Jacob Fields, Gavin Smith, and Seth Cummings.  In addition to these team performances, 8th grader Butler Dekle won the Boys JV race!

Fantastic job by the athletes and coaches!  We are looking forward to a great showing at State!


10/27/23…WHAT IS HAMAS?  The son of a Hamas founder has given us a unique picture into the organization that slaughtered over 1,400 innocent men, women, and children on October 7.

In a recent interview, Mosab Hassan Yousef said that he was born into "the heart of Hamas leadership," yet he rejected Hamas as a result of the philosophy and brutality of the organization.  Yousef is now living in the United States.

In describing Hamas, Yousef said this:  "Hamas is a religious movement. . . .  They want to annihilate the Jewish people because they are Jewish people, because they are a Jewish state."

A desire to eliminate the entire Jewish race from the face of the earth.  Does that sound eerily familiar?

10/20/23…CONGRATS, MIDDLE SCHOOL XC CHAMPS - This past Thursday, ACS hosted the Kent Kramer Cross-Country Championships.  Over 40 schools participated in the event.

Congratulations to the ACS Middle School Boys team, as they won their race going away with Travon Roberson finishing 1st, Butler Dekle 3rd, Rob Fleischer 7th, Daniel Brink 10th, Hugh Hale 16th, and Owen Smith 27th.  In the Middle School Girls race, the Lady Eagles also took 1st place with Sarah Fields finishing 3rd, Janaiyah Dixon 4th, Reagan Lee 6th, Evva Barton 10th, and Henslee Robolin 18th..

Great job by the ACS XC athletes and coaches, as they used their talents to honor the Lord!

10/13/23…"ABHORRENT and BARBARIC" - On the morning of October 6, the terrorist organization Hamas carried out a series of brutal attacks on Israeli towns outside of the Gaza strip.  The attacks occurred on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.  

One of the attacks came at an outdoor festival, where rockets exploded and civilians were shot at point blank range or taken hostage.  Early reports indicated that 260 bodies were recovered after the attack.  

While Americans may be divided on many topics, we should be united in our support for Israel.  Israel is the only functioning democracy in the mideast, and has long been an ally of the U.S.  In addition, 9 Americans were killed in these abhorrent and barbaric attacks.

10/06/23…TURN OFF THE MIC! - Imagine a life without free speech.  Scary, right?  Yet a recent RealClearPolitics survey showed that 34% of Democrats and 14.6% of Republicans now believe Americans have "too much freedom" to speak freely.  WOW!  That is sobering.

Unfortunately, we see hard evidence of the effort to shut down free speech on a regular basis.  Just last week, another parent had his microphone turned off at a local school board meeting after reading excerpts from the book "Flamer" - a book that had been approved by the very people who turned off the mic.

Our Country was founded and built on the freedoms we enjoy.  Efforts to silence those freedoms are, in a word, anti-American.

09/29/23…ORIGINS - "How did we get here?"  Mankind has been asking this question for centuries.

Late last week, NASA reported that it had collected material from an asteroid that was 1.2 billion miles from Earth.  The purpose of this mission was to determine whether "the basic building blocks of life - often referred to as organic compounds - could have arrived (on Earth) billions of years ago carried by asteroids."  That seems like quite the stretch.

Genesis 2:7 says this:  "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."  For unbelievers, the origins of man will continue to go unresolved.  For believers, the answer is straightforward.

09/22/23…FOLLOW THE SCIENCE - The question for today is, "Can a boy really become a girl?"  Our culture says "Yes."  Science says “No.”  Many people addressing this question point to the fact that our DNA determines our sex.  We are born with either two XX chromosomes (female), or with a combination of XY chromosomes (male).  Our chromosome composition is in EVERY single cell of our body, and it cannot be altered.

Nevertheless, throughout the history of mankind, males and females have been identified as such by their sexual reproductive organs at birth.  That's about as straight-forward as it gets.  You cannot become a different sex by taking puberty blockers or by having so-called "gender affirming" surgery.  Our reproductive system is set at birth.

09/15/23…REMEMBERING 9/11 - No one in high school or younger was alive on 09/11/01.  That's why we need to teach all students what happened that day.

The amazing stories from the aftermath of 9/11 impact us all, but one in particular caught my attention.  Two days after the attack, a construction worker found a 17-foot high steel column and beam fused in the form of a cross among the rubble.  In October, "the cross" was moved to the edge of the recovery site, where it stood as a symbol of faith and resilience for many.

As we remember this tragic day, may we never forget that, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."


09/08/23…PERSISTENCE!  Earlier this week, a pastor in Florida was removed from a local school board meeting for reading pornographic passages from a book that was available in his school district's library.  According to one of the school board members, "we have a rule here.  Nothing obscene."

Fortunately, the school board subsequently voted to remove the offensive book from the school library.  Under a new Florida law, if a school board denies a parent the right to read a passage considered "pornographic," then the school district must remove the book.

This only happened because of the pastor's persistence.  Apparently, this same school board had refused to remove the offensive book in 2022.  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

09/01/23…CLUELESS! I guess when someone has been in Washington, DC for over 50 years, he really doesn't understand how most of America lives each and every day.  If someone is in the DC bubble, life must be good for most Americans because it's good for him.

On January 21, 2021, the average price of gasoline was $2.33.  On August 21, 2023, the average price of gasoline was $3.98.  In January of 2021, the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.65%.  Today, the 30-year mortgage rate is 8.13%.

When you compare the massive tragedy in Maui to a small kitchen fire, you really don't have a clue.  We truly need national leaders who aren't blinded by the DC bubble.


08/25/23…..DOING HARD THINGS!  Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor and anti-Nazi dissident who lived during Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s.  He opposed the persecution of the Jewish people and spent his life fighting against the evils of the Nazi party.  He was executed in a German concentration camp on April 9, 1945.

Bonhoeffer came to America in 1939, but returned to Germany after only two weeks.  Although he could have avoided persecution by staying in the U.S., he was compelled to return to "live through this difficult period in our national history with the people of Germany."

Bonhoeffer chose the right path - not the easy one.  If we are called to do difficult things, will we?

08/18/23…OPENING WEEK RETREATS!  We are excited to start the 2023-24 school year at ACS with spiritual retreats for both our middle school and high school students.  This week our kids are heading to a nearby camp where they will enjoy a variety of games and activities throughout the day, and will be encouraged to build their relationship with God in the evening sessions.

These retreats give our students the chance to have fun together and bond in community.  They also provide unique opportunities for those who will be taking on leadership roles this year.  It's a great way to start the year!

If you want an education that provides great academics with a Christian worldview, we invite you to check out ACS.

08/2023…YEAR 54! - The 2023-24 school year will be our 54th year of ministry at Athens Christian School.  The Lord has been so good to us during five decades of service.

Drs. Buhl and Lois Cummings founded ACS in 1970 with the vision of providing a "quality education in a Christian atmosphere."  ACS was started as an alternative to public education after God and prayer were removed from public schools.

While many things have changed over 54 years, our commitment to providing a Biblically-based, rigorous education has remained the same.  We are thankful for what God has done for us during our long history, and we look forward with great enthusiasm to what He will continue to do through this ministry in the future.

08/04/23…LOVING OUR COUNTRY! - Have you noticed that an increasing number of news headlines focus on what is supposedly wrong with our Country?  Have you noticed how divisive the headlines can be?

Notwithstanding these headlines, we still live in the greatest Country in the world.  We have more opportunities than any other Country in existence.  Even though we are not perfect, every person DOES have the chance to succeed in the USA.

While many public schools are teaching a philosophy that attempts to tear down the fabric of America, we are teaching our students to love our Country.  We believe it is important to treasure our democracy.  Why?  Because if we don't love our Country, we may lose it.


07/21/23…REAL OR NOT REAL? The very first sin recorded in Scripture was a lie.  It came from Satan, the father of lies, and it was about God. The lie promised Eve that she would "be like God" if she ate the forbidden fruit.

One tragic consequence resulting from the proliferation of social media is the dramatic increase in the spreading of lies.  It seems that people no longer see the need to "spin" the truth when an outright lie will do.

At ACS, we are training our young people to discern truth.  This may be one of the more important tools they will carry with them throughout their lives.  Real or not real?  It can be a question with eternal consequences.

07/14/23…SILENCING THE OPPOSITION - On July 4, a federal judge issued an important ruling that addressed the most wide-ranging effort to silence free speech in the history of our Country.  According to the ruling, several government agencies have been working with big tech companies to silence any speech that did not align with the messaging and policies coming out of the White House.  The Judge's ruling put a halt to this deplorable conduct.

The fact that censorship was happening is not news.  The fact that a federal judge looked into the evidence and concluded that this type of censorship violates the free speech rights of many Americans IS big news.

Why would our government want to silence the "opposition"?  It's not hard to figure out.

07/07/23…CELEBRATING OUR LIBERTIES!  If we've learned anything going through the pandemic, we've learned how quickly we can lose our liberties.  The freedom to practice our religion.  The freedom to speak if our speech is considered dissent.  The freedom to pray in public spaces.

This week, we have the great privilege to celebrate our freedoms.  To remember that the freedoms of speech and the free exercise of religion are so important that they were secured to us through The Bill of Rights.

We will lose the essence of what we enjoy in America if we lose these freedoms.  Many people would like to silence Christians.  We must oppose those who would attempt to silence us, wherever and whenever that may occur.


06/23/23…ANNIVERSARY MONTH - Happy Anniversary to all of you who are celebrating anniversaries this month!

Athens Christian will be celebrating 54 years in Christian education this year.  The School was started with a vision to provide a quality education in a Christian atmosphere to families in Northeast Georgia.  Christian education may be more important now than it ever has been.

As we look back on how we have been uniquely blessed over five decades, we look forward with great anticipation to what the future holds.  If you are not familiar with ACS, we hope you will pay us a visit.  The Lord is truly doing great things here, and we are glad.   

06/09/23…THE BIBLE MUST GO!  Here is some disturbing news from the Davis School District, just north of Salt Lake City, Utah.  After a parent filed a complaint with the "Sensitive Materials Review Committee," the Utah school district removed the Bible from its elementary and middle school libraries.  The complaint said, "Get this PORN out of our schools."

The Bible has not only been the moral standard for an untold number of Christians throughout history, it is also - by far - the best-selling book in the world.  The Guiness Book of World Records estimates that between 5 and 7 billion copies of the Bible have been distributed worldwide.

Does anyone else see the irony in removing the world's best-selling book from the shelf of a library?


05/26/23…CONGRATS, CLASS OF 2023!  This past Saturday, we said farewell to a gifted group of Seniors from the Class of 2023.  Many of our graduates have been at ACS for 12 or more years, and this class brought us a unique balance of excellence in academics, in the arts, and in athletics.

Our group of 57 Seniors was awarded over $1.8 million in academic and athletic scholarship money.  In addition, an amazing 59% of this year's class qualified for Zell Miller or Hope Scholarships!

Congratulations to Valedictorian, Emma Bartlett, and to Co-Salutatorians Laura Grace Duncan and Addison Levy. We are so proud of all of our Seniors and know they will accomplish some great things in life!

05/12/23…THE LITTLE MERMAID - The ACS Drama Department did a FANTASTIC job presenting our 2023 Spring Musical, The Little Mermaid.  Thanks to all who came out to watch, as all three performances were sold out.

A talented group of Seniors led the way as Emmie Mitchell did a wonderful job as Ariel, Braden Byram was masterful as Prince Eric, Zach Colquitt kept us in stitches as Sebastian, Anna Loggins delighted the crowd as Ursula, and Mason Armour ruled the waves as Triton.  A large supporting cast made sure that every role was memorable.

Thanks to the many faculty members and parent volunteers who helped make this a success, especially Play Directors Monica Woodlief and Heather Pillsbury, and Choreographer Michelle Cummings.  You made us all proud!


04/21/23…CONGRATS, DJ WALKER! - We want to give a huge "Shout Out" to Dominic ("DJ") Walker for winning the UGA Hall of Fame Scholar Athlete Award for 2023.  This prestigious award is chosen each year by the UGA Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame.

DJ has been an outstanding athlete at ACS.  He played quarterback and linebacker on the football team, and was a 2nd Team All Region selection this year.  He also starred on the ACS basketball team that recently went to the Elite Eight, and was a 1st Team All Region selection.

More importantly, DJ is an outstanding young leader.  We will miss DJ as he continues his football career at Shorter University.

04/14/23…ACCOUNTABILITY - Isn't it nice when someone makes a mistake and they own up to it?

Last Friday, officials in the Biden administration came out with a report on the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  There can be no question that the botched withdrawal was a dark day for America.  Thirteen US soldiers and more than 100 Afghan civilians were killed in a suicide bombing; over seven billion dollars worth of high-tech military equipment was abandoned; civilians fell from planes; an untold number of Afghans who assisted the US were left behind.

Instead of admitting to multiple mistakes, the report blamed the prior administration.  Of course it did.  High character leaders own up to their mistakes.  Too bad that doesn't happen much these days.

04/07/23…UPSIDE DOWN - I wonder if anyone in Massachusetts is scratching their head over the latest news out of Easthampton.  Vito Perrone, the former principal of Easthampton High School, was offered a position as the head of Easthampton Schools on March 23.  A few days later, he was told the offer had been withdrawn.

What happened?  Apparently, after receiving the offer, Mr. Perrone sent an email to two females on the hiring committee.  Unfortunately for him, Mr. Perrone addressed the two females as "ladies."  According to Mr. Perrone, the Chairwoman of the committee told him that using "ladies" as a greeting was hostile and derogatory.  She also told him it was a "microaggression."

Who knew that a term of respect could be so offensive?


03/31/23 … KUDOS TO NEW MUSEUM - The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation opened an important new museum in Washington, D.C., which aims to educate Americans about the 100 million lives lost under communist regimes since 1917.  More than 1/5 of the world's population continues to live under this dark, deceptive, and dangerous ideology.

In his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx cited the following measures as necessary to achieve communism: the abolition of private property; the abolition of the rights of inheritance; the establishment of a classless society; and the centralization of power in the hands of the state.  Communism's promise of peace, land, and bread typically devolves into terror, famine, and death.

For more information, please visit

03/17/23…SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER  According to its website, the SPLC monitors the activities of domestic "hate" groups.  The SPLC publishes a "Hate Map" that includes 733 organizations.

The problem is, the SPLC has its own definition of "hate."  Under the SPLC's definition, "hate" can be described as disagreeing with the SPLC's political viewpoints.

Last week, Thomas Jurgens was arrested in connection with a riot at "Cop City" in Atlanta.  Jurgens was charged with domestic terrorism.  Jurgens is a staff attorney with the SPLC.

Will the group that rioted and burned construction equipment at Cop City be added to the SPLC's Hate Map?  Probably not.  Riots where police are attacked and cities are burned typically don't meet the SPLC's definition of "hate."



03/10/23…ATHENS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE FAIR!  We were excited to host over 25 Christian colleges on the ACS campus this past week.  This special event was open to the public, and gave high school students the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives from Christian colleges across the southeast.

College fairs can play an important role in the college selection process.  Students are exposed to a large number of schools at one time, and can obtain detailed information on the degree and extracurricular programs available at these schools.  For those new to the process, a college fair is a great way to learn about the application process, financial aid, and acceptance requirements.

Thanks to all the folks who made our Athens Christian College Fair a huge success!

03/03/23  GHSA LITERARY WINNERS!  Congratulations to several ACS students who recently participated in the Region 8A Literary Competition.

Annie Rollins, Hollis Williams, and Ansley Moore took 1st place in Women's Trio.  Senior Braden Byram took 1st place in Men's Solo, while Freshman Noah Gray took 1st Place in Humorous Interp.  And, Braden Byram, Zach Colquitt, Livingston Jenkins, and Ethan Woodlief took first in Men's Quartet.  These students will be heading to the State Literary Competition later this month.

Other great performances included 2nd place finishes for Hollis Williams in Women's Solo, Ethan Woodlief in Dramatic Interp., and Emma Bartlett in Literary Analysis Essay.

Thanks to faculty members Heather Pillsbury and Monica Woodlief for training these talented young students!  Great job!

02/24/23  NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY RECIPIENTS - We are excited to congratulate our newest group of 35 high school students who were recently inducted into the National Honor Society.  Membership is open to students in grades 10 through 12 who maintain a grade point average of 3.4 or higher, and who demonstrate the qualities of character, leadership, service, and scholarship.  New members are approved by the ACS faculty.

The National Association of Secondary School Principals officially established the NHS in 1921.  The organization quickly grew from the original Chapter in Pittsburgh to more than 1000 chapters by 1930.  NHS is now recognized as one of the Country's leading educational groups.

Great Job, new members!  Keep up the hard work.  It will pay off!


02/17/23 DAR WINNER! - Congratulations to ACS Senior Laura Grace Duncan for being named the winner of this year's DAR Good Citizen Award!  The Elijah Clarke Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsors this annual competition, which focuses on a student's ability to demonstrate truthfulness, loyalty, punctuality, trustworthiness, cooperation, courtesy, and contributions to the welfare of others.

After being nominated for the award, Laura Grace completed a portfolio demonstrating her leadership and service to her school and to her community.  Laura Grace also submitted two letters of recommendation and wrote an extemporaneous essay on the topic of patriotism.

The DAR Good Citizen Award recognizes student achievement and character.  ACS thanks our local DAR Chapter for promoting this important individual accomplishment.

02/03/23…The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, February 2-4, our middle school drama team will be presenting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  Performances will be held in the ACS Drama Center beginning at 7:00 pm each night.  Tickets are available at the door.

We had such a large number try out for the play that our Director, Mr. Jack Bamford, named two separate casts.  Congratulations to the following middle school performers:  Aslan - Isaac Campbell; White Witch - Emmie Zwirn and Afton Whigham; Peter - Gavin Crawford; Susan - Evelyn Howell and Lena Whigham; Edmund - Kellen Wanager and Kayden Wanager; and Lucy - Ellie Bartlett and Lucie Iodice.

We hope you can join us for this C. S. Lewis classic!

01/20/23…OPEN HOUSE - On Thursday, January 26, we will host two Open House sessions at ACS at 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.  We would love to have you join us.

One takeaway from the pandemic is that many parents learned what was actually being taught in their public schools - and they were shocked.  Do you know what your children are being taught in your public school?  Does it line up with your value system and your view of our Country?

We are proud of our rigorous academic program, our 100% college
acceptance rate, and our successful extracurricular activities.  We
know that you will be impressed by what we can offer your children.  You can register online at


12/30/22…TRUE DELIVERANCE! By the time Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the Jewish people had been in and out of captivity for hundreds of years. In the years leading up to Jesus' birth, Herod the Great ruled as King of the Jews. But the Jews were looking for a different King. Throughout the centuries, the Jews had looked for the Messiah - the One who would free them from their captivity. But when Jesus came as THE Messiah, He did not come to free the Jews from Rome. Instead, He came to free the Jews from their sin. And not only the Jews, but all those people who put their faith in Jesus.
Are you looking for true deliverance? The answer is Jesus.

12/23/22…WAS HE THE MESSIAH?  Not many people dispute the fact that Jesus was a Jewish historical figure who lived over 2000 years ago.  The controversy over Jesus is whether He was who He claimed to be - the Messiah, the Savior of sinners.

Some claim He was a great teacher, or even a prophet, but not the Messiah.  But if he was not the Messiah, then His claim that He was the Savior of sinners was a lie.  How could Jesus be a "great teacher" if He lied about who He was?

If He was not a liar, then He is who He claimed to be.  He was and is the Messiah, and we joyfully celebrate His birth again this Christmas!

12/02/22…CHRISTMAS FOR THE FAMILY AT ACS - Next Thursday, December 8, we will present our annual Christmas for the Family program at Athens Christian.  The program will begin at 7:00 pm in the ACS Drama Center.

We will celebrate the Christmas season in word and song, while being entertained by our Middle School and High School Bands and our Middle School and High School Choirs.  In addition to listening to some of our favorite Christmas songs, we will be reminded that the gift of the Messiah was the GREATEST gift ever given to mankind.

The program is free and open to the public.  We hope you will come and celebrate with us on the 8th.

11/25/22…THE THANKSGIVING PRESIDENTS - For Americans, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of God’s blessings on our Country.  In 1789, President George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving Proclamation:

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge 
the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be
grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His
protection and favor . . .  I appoint Thursday, the 26th
day of November, 1789 . . . that we may all unite to
render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for
His kind care and protection.”

In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a day “of Thanksgiving and Praise to our benevolent Father.”

Two great Presidents summing up what Thanksgiving is all about.

11/11/22…HONORING OUR VETERANS - This week we want to recognize and honor all of the brave men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  We celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, because World War I formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

We have many graduates and ACS family members who have served in all branches of the military.  In addition, the Founder of ACS, Dr. Buhl Cummings, was a Navy veteran who served on the USS Potomac during World War II.

We cannot do enough to show our appreciation for all those who have served, but today we do say "thank you" to all of our heroes!

11/04/22…CONGRATS, CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPS! - This past Thursday, the ACS Varsity Boys Cross Country Team won the Region 8A Championship, while our Varsity Girls Team was the Region Runner-Up!

Senior Nathan Smith was the individual Region Champion on the Boys' side, and Freshman Ansley Moore was the individual Region Champion on the Girls' side.  The following runners also contributed in a big way to the wins: Johann Brink (2nd), Eli Vaughn (3rd), Jacob Cereneche (6th), Zach Akins (8th), and Zach Rivera (10th).  And for the Girls - McKinley Smith (3rd), Josi Vaughn (8th), Sarabeth Townsend (23rd), Kay Ellis (29th), and Micah Cloud (35th).

Fantastic job by the athletes and coaches!  We are looking forward to a great showing at State!

10/28/22…ONE ACT CHAMPS!  CONGRATULATIONS to the ACS One Act Play Team and Director Monica Woodlief for winning the Region 8A One Act Championship this past Saturday!  The ACS Team performed Anne of Green Gables, a beloved classic about an intelligent and spirited orphan who gives up her aspirations in life to care for her ailing foster mother.

Annie Rollins (Anne Shirley) was named Best Actress in the Region, and Emma Bartlett (Marilla Cuthbert) was named Best Supporting Actress.  Anna Loggins (Diana Barry) and Hollis Williams (Rachel Lynde) were both named to the Region All-Star Team.

The One Act Team will now compete in the GHSA State Tournament on November 19 at Houston County High School.  Bring home the Gold!

10/14/22…"AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN?" - Sometimes I hear people say we must not be a Christian school because we did this thing or that thing, or because a student did this thing or that thing.

As Christians, we try to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbors as ourselves.  Yet sometimes we fall short.

It's what happens AFTER we fall short that makes us Christians.  ALL humans sin and fall short of the glory of God.  But as Believers, we take comfort in knowing that our Savior has forgiven all of our sins - and even our mistakes.  Being a Christian isn't about what we have done, but instead, it's about what Christ has done for us. 


10/07/22…CONGRATS, YOUTH XC CHAMPS - This past Saturday, ACS hosted the North Georgia Youth League Cross Country Championships.  The Youth League attracts distance runners throughout North Georgia, and allows them to compete in 4 different age brackets.

Congratulations to the ACS 13-18 Boys team, as they won their race going away with Jacob Fields taking 1st, Seth Cummings 2nd, Gavin Smith 3rd, Hayes Williams 4th, and Butler Dekle 8th.  In the 9-10 Boys race, Travon Roberson finished 1st, Jax Vaughn 2nd, and Liam DeGeorge 17th.  And in the 11-12 Girls race, Janayiah Dixon finished 8th, Roxy Redish 12th, and Regan Lee 24th.

Great job by the ACS XC athletes and coaches, as they used their talents to honor the Lord!


09/30/22…POLICE STATE - On September 23, at 7:05 am, the FBI sent 15 vehicles and 25 armed officers to raid the home of Mark Houck, a Catholic pro-life activist.  Houck's crime?  He allegedly shoved an abortion clinic escort who was verbally abusing Houck's 12-year old son outside an abortion clinc.

After the city police declined to bring charges, the alleged victim filed a criminal complaint.  The case was dismissed, yet days later, Houck received a "target letter" stating that the US Attorney was looking into the matter.  When Houck reached out to the US Attorney, he received no response.  Instead, the "response" came in the form of a dawn raid at his home where he lives with his wife and 7 children.


THE QUEEN'S FAITH - One of the constitutional titles held by Queen Elizabeth II was Supreme Governor of the Church of England.  But those close to her knew that the Queen's faith went far beyond protocol and duty.

During those months she spent in Scotland each year, the Queen attended the small Presbyterian church of Crathie Kirk.  Her domestic chaplain said that the Queen only missed 2 Sunday services during his 15 years, other than during the pandemic.

The Queen had a formidable knowledge of hymns, psalms, and scripture.  Beginning in 2000, she increasingly spoke openly of her faith through her Christmas broadcasts.

In addition to serving her Country, the Queen served her Heavenly Father.  Now, she is with Him.

09/16/22…THE SURVIVOR TREE  - This past Sunday we honored the 2,977 victims from 90 nations who died on 9/11/01. Soon after 9/11, workers found a pear tree that had been reduced to an 8-foot tall stump in the wreckage at Ground Zero. The tree was nursed back to health and grew to be 30 feet tall. It has been named the "Survivor Tree," and now stands in the 9/11 Memorial in New York. This special tree represents the story of survival and resilience that is so important to the history of 9/11.

As we recall these events, let's thank God that He continues to sustain our Country. And may we never forget that, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

9/09/22…WHY WE ARE HERE - In addition to preparing students for college, we are preparing them for life.  While academic instruction and extra-curricular activities are critical, spiritual instruction is at the core of what we do.

We have over 125 new students this year.  Here is a brief note we got from one of our grandparents who had a career in education.

"I want you to know how thankful I am for your school.  From my conversations with [my grandchildren], things are going very well.  [My granddaughter] even had someone to walk her to her classes, and several students have been friendly and accepting of her.  Thank you for having an environment that will aid in her coming back to the Lord."


09/02/22…RESPONDING TO ANGER - The Bible is full of great advice for how we should live.  And many times, the advice we find in Scripture is contrary to what we are told by our culture.

How should we respond when we are met with anger?  Many times we become angry ourselves. Instead of defusing a situation, we pour fuel on the fire.

But Proverbs 15:1 says this:  "A soft answer turns away wrath."  A "soft" answer refers not only to the tone, but also to the content.  Heated exchanges can escalate into harmful situations where no one wins.  The next time you are met with anger, try a different approach.  Try a gracious response.  You may be surprised at the result.

08/26/22…ACS HOSTS NE GA XC CHAMPIONSHIPS - This past Saturday, ACS hosted the Northeast Georgia Cross Country Championships, which has become one of the largest XC meets in the State.  Over 1000 runners competed in 8 different middle school and high school races.

Congratulations to the ACS Boys team, as they won the Varsity race for A, AA, and AAA schools.  Both the Middle School Boys and the Middle School Girls also won their respective races.  First place finishers for the Eagles included Nathan Smith (Varsity), McKinley Smith (JV Girls), and Travon Roberson (MS Boys).

Great job by all the ACS XC athletes and coaches!  And, thanks to all the ACS volunteers who made this special event possible!

08/19/22…STARTING WITH A RETREAT!  We are excited to start the 2022-23 school year with spiritual retreats for our middle school and high school students.  This week we are taking the students and faculty to a local camp where they will enjoy a variety of games and activities throughout the day, and will be encouraged to build their relationship with God in the evening sessions.

These retreats give our students the chance to have fun together and bond in community.  They also provide unique opportunities for those who will be taking on leadership roles this year.  It's a great way to start the year!

If you want an education that provides great academics with a Christian worldview, we invite you to check out ACS.


08/05/22…PRICELESS - Perhaps you remember the MasterCard commercials from many years ago that advertised items you could purchase with a credit card, and when you purchased those items, you received something that was "priceless," e.g., being able to spend quality time with your kids.  The last thing in the commercial was always something that did not carry a price tag.

An excellent education in a Christian environment is one of those things that is "priceless."  You cannot place a value on the lasting impact that this type of education will have on your children.

Invest in your child's future by giving them the best educational opportunity available.  Your investment now will pay priceless dividends in the future.

07/29/22…ACS GRADUATE SPOTLIGHT - Kendra Hansey is a 2012 graduate of ACS.  She had a stellar high school career, finishing with a 3.98 GPA, serving as an FFA Officer, and anchoring our first Mock Trial Team in 2011.  As an undergrad at UGA, she was involved in a number of journalistic endeavors, including work with the US Olympic Committee.

Last Fall, Kendra was accepted to The UGA Law School.  During her first year, she won the Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition and was named Best Oralist.  At the end of her first year, she was selected to the prestigious UGA Law Review, an honor reserved for a very select group.

AWESOME JOB, KENDRA!  We are so proud of you!

07/22/22…OVERREACH - The Biden Administration's Education Department recently issued sweeping new Title IX "guidance," which attempted to push a transgender agenda on every public school system that accepts federal funds.  The consequence for not following the "guidance"?  Lose your federal funding.
Among other mandates, the "guidance" forced public schools to allow transgender male students to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms if the male student "identified" as a female.
Fortunately, a federal judge in Tennessee put a halt on the new "guidance."  The judge properly found that the new "guidance" infringed on the rights of States to set their own policies on these issues.  The Title IX guidance was the very definition of federal overreach.  Seems like we see that a lot these days.
INVEST IN YOUR CHILD - Are you wondering whether you should send your child back to public school this year?  Are you concerned about the transgender push in elementary schools or attempts to rewrite our history using CRT?
Once school starts, how much time are you able to spend with your children?  On a good day, we may be able to spend 4 to 5 hours with them, but so much of their day is spent at school.
The school you choose for your child will have a big impact on his or her life.  If you are a Believer, you should think about choosing a school that will best support your child's spiritual, emotional, and academic needs.  You should think about ACS.
CELEBRATING OUR LIBERTIES!  If the pandemic taught us anything, it taught us how quickly we can lose our liberties.  The freedom to leave our homes.  The freedom to worship with others, in person.  The freedom to speak - if our speech conflicted with "the science."
This week, we had the great privilege to celebrate our freedoms.  To remember that the freedoms of speech and the free exercise of religion are so important that they were secured to us through The Bill of Rights.
We will lose the essence of what we enjoy in America if we lose these freedoms.  Many people would like to silence Christians.  We must always oppose those who would attempt to silence us, wherever and whenever that may occur.
"ACT OF EXTREMISM" - The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has been labeled an "act of extremism."  The truth is, what the Supreme Court did in the Dobbs case is the exact opposite of "extremism."
As Justice Alito noted, for the first 185 years after the adoption of the Constitution, each State was permitted to deal with the abortion issue in accordance with the views of its citizens.  Then, in 1973, the Supreme Court suddenly decided that abortion was a constitutionally protected right - which it never was.  The Roe decision itself was the very definition of extremism.
The Dobbs ruling confirms that the Supreme Court cannot "make up" a constitutional right that does not exist.  That's not extreme; it's 100% rational.
ANNIVERSARY MONTH - Happy Anniversary to all of you who are celebrating anniversaries this month!

Athens Christian will be celebrating 53 years in Christian education this year.  The School was started with a vision to provide a quality education in a Christian atmosphere to families in Northeast Georgia.  Christian education may be more important now than it ever has been.
As we look back on how we have been uniquely blessed over five decades, we look forward with great anticipation to what the future holds.  If you are not familiar with ACS, we hope you will pay us a visit.  The Lord is truly doing great things here, and we are glad.  
YOU CAN AFFORD IT!  Athens Christian provides the best value in private, Christian education in Northeast Georgia.  In our annual survey of other private schools within a 50-mile radius, ACS continues to offer the most competitive tuition in the area.
One thing that makes ACS such a great value is the incredible family discount that we offer.  If you have 3 or more children enrolled at ACS, you only pay tuition for the first 2 and a half children.  After two and a half, your remaining children attend tuition-free.
More and more people are looking for an alternative to public education.  Do you want your young children exposed to transgenderism and CRT?  If not, check out ACS!
REMEMBERING D-DAY - On June 6, 1944, Allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in history.  President 
Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged our Nation to cover the invasion in prayer.
FDR's own prayer was heard on radio by an estimated 100 million people across the globe.  His prayer included these 
words:  "Almighty God: Our sons . . . have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and 
our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity."
Hundreds of thousands of Americans filled churches to pray that day.  Anne Frank wrote in her diary, "I have the feeling that 
friends are on the way."  May prayer bring our Country together today, without the necessity of a global conflict.
This past Monday, Americans paused to honor those who have given their lives to preserve the freedoms that we all enjoy. I'm glad we have an annual holiday to remember those who have fallen in battle so that we can live in freedom. 
One of the freedoms these soldiers died for is the freedom of religion. We are grateful for this precious freedom, which allows us to offer a Christ-centered education to families throughout Northeast Georgia. While we as Americans will disagree on many things, may we never disagree on the fact that freedom of religion is part of the foundation that makes this Country the greatest on earth.


CONGRATS, CLASS OF 2022!  This past Saturday, we said farewell to a gifted group of Seniors from the Class of 2022.  After a few early raindrops, we were blessed with a pleasant summer evening in Eagle Stadium for the ceremony.
Four of our Seniors shared testimonies from their years at ACS.  One of the most encouraging nights of the year is listening to our Seniors talk about the impact ACS has had on their lives, and their desire to follow God's path.
Congratulations to Valedictorian, Keren Palma, to Salutatorian Olivia Lamons, and to our ACS Citizenship Award recipients, Caleb Williams and Keren Palma.  We are so proud of all of our Seniors and know they will do great things!
One of our favorite traditions at Athens Christian School is recognizing the Seniors who have participated in a variety of extracurricular activities throughout their high school careers.  We look forward to honoring our Seniors this Friday night, May 20, at the annual Awards Banquet.
This Banquet is a special time because the coaches and sponsors of our extracurricular activities have the opportunity to brag on the accomplishments of our Senior leaders in a forum where we are all gathered together.  We have the opportunity to hear about all of the varied activities at the School, from athletics, to fine arts, to Bible Quiz, Mock Trial, and FFA.
Congrats to these fine Seniors!  They have a bright future ahead.

DISINFORMATION GOVERNANCE BOARD - By now, most people have heard about this.  Should we be concerned?  The name alone sounds anti-American.
The biggest problem is, we really have NO idea what this Board is supposed to do.  Even the ACLU said the Board was rolled out with no information about the scope or authorities of the Board.  But don't worry.  The White House has pledged that the Board will operate in a "nonpartisan and apolitical manner."  Now THAT IS funny!
The second biggest problem is, exactly what is "disinformation"?  Is it that Trump colluded with Russia, or, conversely, that there was no collusion?  You get the point.  The people in charge of the Board will define "disinformation."  And THAT should concern all of us.
OLIVER! - The Athens Christian School Drama Department proudly presents Oliver! on May 5, 6, and 7 at the ACS Drama Center.  All productions begin at 7:00 p.m. and are open to the public.
Oliver! is one of the all-time classics.  A 9-year old orphan, Oliver Twist, joins a group of street-urchin pickpockets led by the Artful Dodger.  One of Oliver's intended victims, Mr. Brownlow, takes pity on the lad and offers him a home.  Then the excitement begins!
Thanks to the many faculty members and parent volunteers who put in so many hours on this performance, especially Play Director Kathy Dickinson, Music Director Heather Pillsbury, and Choreographer Michelle Cummings.  We're looking forward to a great show!

CONGRATS, KEREN!  We are so proud of Senior Keren Palma, who has received the Positive Athlete Award for Girls Cross Country in the East Atlanta Division of Georgia.  Keren has run Cross Country and Track at ACS for 4 years, and she has been one of the most successful female distance runners in school history.
Even though Keren has had tremendous success on the XC course and on the track, she was nominated for the Positive Athlete Award because of her character.  She is a true leader who enthusiastically encourages her teammates and always puts her team first.
Keren is a talented athlete and a great example of what a Positive Athlete should be!  She has a bright future ahead!

CONGRATS, MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK!  Both the Boys and Girls Middle School Track teams wrapped up their fantastic seasons by dominating at the Private School State Meet held at Hebron Christian this past week.  The Girls won their State Championship with 206 points, besting 2nd place Greater Atlanta Christian by 45 points.  The Boys scored 201 points on the way to their State Championship.
Individual State Champions for the Girls included Ma’Kaya Ellis (high point athlete at the meet), Sarah Kate Parham, Ruby DeFilippis, and Kiley Baskin.  Individual State Champions for the Boys included Braxton Goolsby, Hayes Williams, JD Dixon, Johann Brink, Paul Jenkins, and Eli Akins.
Coach Cayla Redish has done a great job with this group of talented athletes!  Great job, Eagles!

CONGRATS, ROTARY CLUB ESSAY WINNERS!  Each year, the Georgia Rotary Club sponsors the Laws of Life Essay Contest.  Over 25,000 students from across the State participated in this year's contest, and ACS had 3 State-wide winners!
A "Law of Life" is a short saying that points to a core personal value.  A Law of Life can serve as a meaningful moral compass for a person's journey through life.  The Georgia Laws of Life Contest asks students to select their own Law of Life, and to write about how it applies to their lives.
Our three student winners included Senior Lydia Fortson, Sophomore Nate Coley, and Freshman Bradley Zimmerman.  Congrats to these winners, and to our faculty sponsor, Amelia Kemmerer.

ATHENS/OCONEE COUNTY AREA CHAMPS!  Congratulations to the ACS Boys Track team as they came away with a big win at the 2022 Athens/Oconee County Area Championships this past week.  The Boys tallied 155 points on their way to beating Oconee County, North Oconee, Clarke Central, Cedar Shoals, and Athens Academy.
Outstanding individual performances included Nathan Smith taking 2nd in the 800 and the 3200, and 3rd in the 1600; Navy Curry placing 2nd in the 110 hurdles, 2nd in the triple jump, and 4th in the 300 hurdles; Eli Vaughn placing 3rd in the 800; and Clarke Byram and Zach Colquitt taking 2nd and 3rd in the pole vault.
Super job by all of the athletes and coaches!
ATHENS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE FAIR!  We were excited to host over 20 Christian colleges on the ACS campus this week.  This special event was open to the public, and gave area high school students the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives from colleges across the southeast.
College fairs can play an important role in the college selection process.  Students are exposed to a large number of schools at one time, and can obtain detailed information on the degree and extracurricular programs available at these schools.  For those new to the process, a college fair is a great way to learn about the application process, financial aid, and acceptance requirements.
Thanks to all the folks who made our Christian College Fair a huge success!

WHERE IS GOD IN WAR?  The images from Ukraine are sad to see.  Hospitals bombed.  Dead bodies piled up in deep trenches.  Innocent men, women, and children forced to leave their homes.  Why would God allow this to happen?
We live in a fallen and sinful world, and war is a consequence of man's sin.  Throughout history, God has allowed the consequences of human behavior to play out in the world.  As long as sin rules in the hearts and minds of human leaders, wars will not cease to exist.
One day, Jesus will return and make all things new.  On that day, there will be no more death and no more sorrow.  Believers look anxiously toward that day.
GHSA LITERARY WINNERS!  Congratulations to several ACS students who recently participated in the Region 8A Literary Competition.
Seniors Katie McElhannon and Fairand Hix and Freshman Annie Rollins took 1st place in Ladies Trio.  Freshman Ethan Woodlief took 1st place in Humorous Interp, and Junior Anna Loggins took 1st Place in Dramatic Interp.  These students will be heading to the State Literary Competition later this month.
Other great performances included 2nd place finishes for Hollis Williams in Women's Solo, Braden Byram in Men's Solo, and Grace Morris in Personal Essay.  Emma Bartlett placed 3rd in Argumentative Essay, and Olivia Lamons did the same in Rhetorical Analysis.
Thanks to faculty members Heather Pillsbury and Jack Bamford for training these talented young students!  Great job!

CONGRATS, LEGAL EAGLES! - CONGRATULATIONS to the Athens Christian School Mock Trial Team for advancing to the District Level of Competition, which will take place at the Forsyth County Courthouse this Friday.  This is the 6th year in a row that the Legal Eagles have advanced out of Region and moved on to District.
In addition to a great team finish at Region, ACS earned several individual awards.  Senior Katie McElhannon won an Outstanding Lawyer Award, as did Juniors Emma Bartlett and Rebecca McMurray.  Juniors Zach Colquitt and Titus Cummings also received Outstanding Witness Awards.
Thanks to Supervisor Scott Crawford for all of his hard work, and a "great job" to all of our student participants!  We wish you the best at District.

PRESIDENTS' DAY - Each year, our 1st and 2nd grade classes treat us to a Patriotic Program celebrating our great Country.  Our annual Patriotic Program often corresponds with Presidents' Day. 
While some in our current society would like to erase the importance of religion in our Nation's history, the evidence of God's favor on America is clear and convincing.  In his 1796 Farewell Address to the Country, George Washington warned that "National morality" cannot be maintained in the absence of religion.  That is something to ponder.
George Washington was arguably America's greatest leader.   He set aside time for prayer and Bible reading each day.  At ACS, we teach about George Washington's leadership and his faith.  He was truly a man to emulate.
THE ORIGINS OF VALENTINE'S DAY - In 2021, Americans spent an estimated $27.8 billion on Valentine's Day.  Wow!
According to some accounts, the St. Valentine who inspired this holiday may have been two different men.  One was known to be a real person who was martyred near Rome around 270 A.D. because he secretly helped Christian couples marry.  The other St. Valentine was the Bishop of Terni, who also died as a martyr near Rome.
And while the origins of Valentine's Day point to these two St. Valentines, the first records of romantic celebrations on February 14 do not occur until after a poem written by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1375.  So, perhaps the famous poet invented the holiday we know today.
CONGRATS, EAGLE WRESTLERS AND HOOPSTERS!  We have had a lot of fun at ACS this winter, so we wanted to congratulate some great athletic accomplishments.  
Our Varsity wrestling team had an outstanding season with 12 wrestlers advancing to the District Championships.  Special recognition goes out to Ali Nabulsi, Zachary Colquitt, and Josh Fuentes, who made it through District and will wrestle for individual State Championships on February 12.  Great job, Coach Ryan Smith.
On the basketball court, our Varsity Boys are currently ranked 8th in Single A Private, our JV Boys went 13-1, our 5th Grade Girls team won the MVP League Championship, and one of our Third Grade Boys teams is undefeated and seeded 1st heading into post-season play.  Great Job, Eagles!

CONGRATS, MIDDLE SCHOOL BASKETBALL! - We want to give a big shout out to our Middle School Boys Basketball team for winning their basketball league championship this past Monday!  The Eagles knocked off a very good Loganville Christian team to take home the first place trophy.
Van Beacham has been the long-time coach of our Middle School Boys Team.  He has several championships to his credit, and does a great job teaching the game each year.  But, in addition to teaching the game, he always teaches the boys about the importance of a relationship with Christ.
This year's team was led by Harper Ford, Braxton Goolsby, Keaton Westbrook, Hayes Williams, Landon Moore, Malik Forshee, and JD Dixon.  Congrats, guys!

OPEN HOUSE - On Thursday, January 27, we will host two Open House sessions at ACS at 9:00 am and 7:00 pm.  We would love to have you join us.
One takeaway from the pandemic is that many parents learned what was actually being taught in their public schools - and they were shocked.  Do you know what your children are being taught in your public school?  Does it line up with your value system and your view of our Country?
We are proud of our rigorous academic program, our 100% college acceptance rate, and our successful extracurricular activities, and we would love to show you more about ACS.  We believe you will be impressed by what we can offer your children.
DAR WINNERS! - Congratulations to ACS Fifth Grader Harper Westbrook and Eighth Grader Loran Alivia Daniels for being named winners of this year's DAR Essay Contest.  This annual competition is sponsored by the Elijah Clarke Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and this year's theme focused on The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The DAR is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children.  The DAR gives out thousands of dollars in educational scholarships each year.
The DAR Essay Contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation's great history.  ACS thanks our local DAR Chapter for promoting this important educational activity.
NEW YEAR'S CLASSIC - After taking a year off because of Covid, the annual New Year's Classic Bible Quiz Tournament is back on at ACS.  This is always a special day for our School, as we host one of the largest tournaments in the Country.
Bible Quizzing is one of the unique extracurricular activities offered at ACS.  Bible Quiz students memorize large portions of Scripture and then compete in tournaments where they are asked questions about the passages they have committed to memory.
This year's tournament will include teams from Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  These students are hiding God's Word in their hearts and meditating on it often - one of the many benefits of a Christian school education.
JOSEPH'S DREAM - Mary was betrothed to Joseph at the time the Holy Spirit formed Jesus in her womb.  Under the law of that day, if a virgin became pregnant by a different man during her betrothal, she could be stoned to death.
I have always wondered what was going through Joseph's mind when he found out Mary was pregnant.  How crushing and disappointing that news must have been.  After pondering this for a time, he ultimately decided "to put her away secretly."
That's when God sent an angel to speak to Joseph in a dream.  This dream changed Joseph forever.  The dream brought hope and faith where despair had lived and allowed Joseph to fulfill his role in God's great plan.
WAS HE THE MESSIAH?  Not many people dispute the fact that Jesus was a Jewish historical figure who lived over 2000 years ago.  The controversy over Jesus is whether He was who He claimed to be - the Messiah, the Savior of sinners.
Some claim He was a great teacher, or even a prophet, but not the Messiah.  But if he was not the Messiah, then His claim that He was the Savior of sinners was a lie.  How could Jesus be a "great teacher" if He lied about who He was?
If He was not a liar, then He is who He claimed to be.  He was and is the Messiah, and we joyfully celebrate His birth again this Christmas!
HOPE!  Many Christians are now celebrating the Advent Season.  Advent begins each year on the 4th Sunday before Christmas.The word advent means "coming" or "arrival."  During this Season, we look back to celebrate the birth of Jesus in His First Advent, and we look forward to His return as King in His Second Advent.

We celebrate with great hope because we know that, when Christ returns, He will bring peace and justice to the world. At times we can grow discouraged by the injustices all around us - Christians persecuted, and innocent lives taken in random acts of violence, just to name a few.  But this Advent Season is one of hope - hope in the One who will make all things new.
CHRISTMAS FOR THE FAMILY AT ACS - This Thursday, December 9, we will present our annual Christmas for the Family program at Athens Christian.  The program will begin at 7:00 pm in the ACS Drama Center.
We will celebrate the Christmas season in word and song, while being entertained by our Middle School and High School Bands and our Middle School and High School Choirs.  In addition to listening to some of our favorite Christmas songs, we will be reminded that the gift of the Messiah was the GREATEST gift ever given to mankind.
The program is free and open to the public.  We hope you will come and celebrate with us on the 9th.
AMAZING EFFORT!  One of the most important things we do each year is to participate in the NE Georgia Food Bank's Hunger Bowl Campaign.  This year, after an incredible outpouring of generosity by our ACS families, we smashed our school goal and brought in the equivalent of 125,000 cans of food.  That is AMAZING!
I could not be more proud of our ACS community.  For the 8th year in a row, ACS was the overall Hunger Bowl winner.
A BIG thanks to Pam Kennon and Sara Crawford who headed up our efforts.  And, thanks to all of our faculty members who encouraged our students to give, and who talked to them about "why" we give.
THE THANKSGIVING PRESIDENTS - For Americans, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of God’s blessings on our Country. 
In 1789, President George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving Proclamation:
“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the 
providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be
grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His
protection and favor . . .  I appoint Thursday, the 26th
day of November, 1789 . . . that we may all unite to
render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for
His kind care and protection.”
In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a day “of Thanksgiving and Praise to our benevolent Father.”
Two great Leaders acknowledging the importance of Thanksgiving.
THE WILDS - Every two years, our high school students take a 4-day hiatus from school and travel to a scenic outpost in the mountains of North Carolina called The Wilds.  This rugged youth camp offers a wide variety of activities perfectly suited to entertain teenagers.
While the kids have a great time, the real purpose behind this retreat is to promote a time of spiritual renewal.  The beautiful mountain setting offers an inspiring backdrop for kids to draw closer to God.
This year's theme reminded us that God's Word is the primary path through which we know, love, and live for God.  Our prayer is that as we return to school, our students will have a deeper desire to know and love God's Word.
HONORING OUR VETERANS - This week we will take time to recognize all of the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  We celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, because World War I formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
We have many graduates and ACS family members who have served in all branches of the military.  In addition, the Founder of ACS, Dr. Buhl Cummings, was a Navy veteran who served on the USS Potomac during World War II.
We cannot do enough to show our appreciation for all those who have served, but today we do say "thank you" to all of our heroes!
CHARLEY'S AUNT - This year's High School One Act performance of Charley's Aunt was a huge success!  The classic "love game" comedy was performed in the Globe Theater in 1893, and ultimately broke the worldwide record for longest running play with 1466 performances.
Charley's Aunt is a brilliant, twisting story involving a young lad who takes on the identity of a millionaire widow.  Senior Adam Shuman delighted the crowds as the young college student who impersonated Charley's rich aunt.
Thank you to One Act Director Monica Woodlief, who worked tirelessly on this year's play.  Also, a big shout out to our One Act stars - Braden Byram, Ethan Woodlief, Annie Rollins, Hollis Williams, Anna Loggins, Ali Nabulsi, and Zach and Jasmine Colquitt.
DO FACTS MATTER ANYMORE?  Junipero Serra was a Catholic priest who oversaw 21 missions in California during the 1700s.  His name was recently scrubbed from Father Serra Park in Los Angeles.  According to Mayor Garcetti, this was done because "our indigenous brothers and sisters deserve justice."
Unfortunately, the Mayor failed to acknowledge that Junipero Serra spent his life fighting for the rights of indigenous people.
On one occasion, Serra walked 2000 miles to Mexico City to present the Spanish governor with a bill of rights for indigenous people.  On another occasion, he intervened on behalf of 20 American Indians who had killed a friar.  All 20 were set free.
The woke culture will ultimately destroy even its own.
PRAY FOR THE MISSIONARIES IN HAITI - As many as 17 American missionaries, including women and children, were kidnapped in Haiti this past weekend.  They were on their way home from building an orphanage when the incident occurred.  These are people who put their own comforts and ambitions aside in order to serve other human beings.
Kidnappings have risen sharply since the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and a recent devestating earthquake.  Gangs are now in control of large parts of Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital.
We pray for the safe return of these brave souls.  May the God of peace protect them and bring comfort to their minds and hearts until they can be rescued.

THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - If you haven't seen this documentary-drama hybrid on Netflix, you should.  It is an eye-opening series of interviews with Silicon Valley engineers who designed the technologies they now fear.
Why are these engineers sounding the alarm?  Because social media companies are attempting to rewire the human brain by collecting mounds of data on us, and then pushing ads, videos, and other information to us through our phones.
The scariest part raised the question of whether humans will be able to discern actual truth if we are addicted to social media.  With so much false information on the internet, it's easy to go down the "rabbit hole" of buying into your own "truth," even if it is a lie.
HOMECOMING AT ACS - We had a fantastic Homecoming Week this past week.  The ACS Class of 1981 made it a celebratory weekend as they hosted a large dinner on Saturday evening commemorating their 40th anniversary.
The halftime ceremony for our Homecoming Court was beautifully done. Congratulations to Lydia Forston who was crowned our Homecoming Queen, and to Abby Marchman who was our Runner-Up.  Both of these young ladies have been at ACS for several years and are exemplary representatives of the School.
We also wanted to thank all the parents and other volunteers who did a lot of work behind the scenes to make this a memorable night for the School.  We appreciate the great support we've always gotten from our wonderful parents! 
AREA CHAMPS! - A big SHOUT OUT to our Junior and Senior FFA Land Judging Teams and to FFA Advisor, Mr. Jerry Taylor.  These two teams recently finished 1st and 2nd at the Area Competition and have both qualified for the State Competition.
The Junior Team placed 1st with the following individual placings: Avery Haas 1st, Stephen Blackmon 4th, Thomas Hutton 6th and Piper Albeke 7th.  The Senior Team placed 2nd, with Trey Taylor 2nd, Cody Aiken 5th, Bryson Jones 6th, and Emma Grace Hutton 8th.
Georgia FFA has over 42,000 members, so getting the opportunity to compete for a State Championship is a big deal. 
Best wishes as the ACS Land Judging Teams move on to State.
DR. BUHL - my father, the Founder of Athens Christian School, went home to be with the Lord this past Wednesday.  If anyone deserved to be welcomed into Heaven with the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant", it was my dad.
My father was a pioneer in Christian education.  When the Supreme Court removed prayer and the Bible from public education in the 1960's, my dad responded to God's call to start a Christian school.  He was the heart and soul of ACS, and he impacted thousands of people in his lifetime.
He was also a true servant leader, and he wanted every single child at ACS to know Jesus.  We miss you Dad, but we'll see you again one day.

9/11 - This coming Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The amazing stories from the aftermath of 9/11 impact us all, but one in particular caught my attention.  Two days after the attack, a construction worker found a 17-foot high steel column and beam fused in the form of a cross among the rubble.  In October, "the cross" was moved to the edge of the recovery site, where it stood as a symbol of faith and resilience for many.
As we remember this tragic day, let's thank God that we still have the freedom to worship.  And may we never forget that, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
STARTING WITH A RETREAT!  We were excited to start the 2021-22 school year at ACS with spiritual retreats for our middle school and high school students.  We took the students and faculty to a local camp where they enjoyed a variety of games and activities throughout the day, and were encouraged to have a relationship with God in the evening session.
Our theme for this year centers on the idea of living together in unity, and these retreats gave our students the chance to have fun together and bond in community.  We can't think of a better way to start the year.
If you want an education that provides great academics with a Christian worldview, we invite you to check out ACS.

ACS HOSTS NE GA XC CHAMPIONSHIPS - This past Saturday, ACS hosted the Northeast Georgia Cross Country Championships, which has become one of the largest XC meets in the State.  Over 1000 runners from 31 schools competed in 8 different middle school and high school races.
Congratulations to the ACS Boys team, as they won the Varsity race for A, AA, and AAA schools.  The Eagles were paced by Race Champion Nathan Smith, and by Drew Beedle and Ali Nabulsi who both finished in the top 10.  In addition, the Middle School Girls team finished 2nd overall, as 8th grader Ansley Moore finished 1st out of 115 runners.
Thanks to all the ACS volunteers who made this special event possible!
WELCOME, COACH BUSTLE - We are excited to welcome Coach Rickey Bustle as the new Head Football Coach at Athens Christian School.
Coach Bustle was a 3-year letterman at Clemson before beginning his coaching career.  In 1995, he became the offensive coordinator at Virginia Tech where he coached Michael Vick and helped lead the Hokies to the 1999 National Championship game.  He was also the Head Coach at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette from 2002-2010.
Coach Bustle and his wife relocated to Athens in 2015, and he has been coaching at the high school level since that time.  Before coming to ACS, Coach Bustle served as the co-offensive coordinator and QBs coach at Clarke Central.  We're looking forward to the upcoming season!
STILL THE GREATEST! - I believe that the biggest threat to our Country is coming from within.  There are people in our Country who are actively trying to turn Americans against each other; actively trying to turn Americans against their Country; and actively trying to make EVERYTHING about race.
We still live in the greatest Country in the world.  We have more diversity and more opportunity than any other country in existence.  Even though we are not perfect, every person has the chance to succeed in the USA.
While many public schools are teaching a philosophy that tears at the fabric of America, we are teaching our students to love our Country.  And, we are teaching our students to treasure our democracy.
YEAR 52! - The 2021-22 school year will be our 52nd year of ministry at Athens Christian School.  The Lord has been so good to us during five decades of service.
Drs. Buhl and Lois Cummings founded ACS in 1970 with the vision of providing a "quality education in a Christian atmosphere."  ACS was started as an alternative to public education after God was removed from public schools.
While many things have changed over 52 years, our commitment to providing a Biblically-based, rigorous education has remained the same.  We are so thankful for what God has done for us during our long history, and we look forward with great enthusiasm to what He will continue to do through this ministry in the future.