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  Name Title
Jack Bamford Bamford, Jack Teacher, High School Spanish/Middle School Drama
Van Beacham Beacham, Van Teacher, High School History
Lindsay Blackmon Blackmon, Lindsay Teacher, Middle School Math
Camille Bridges Bridges, Camille Teacher, Lower School 4th
Bradley Brown Brown, Bradley Dean of Students, Upper School
Bethany Carter Carter, Bethany Principal, Lower School
Krista Casto Casto, Krista Accounts Payable/Payroll
JoAnn Collinsworth Collinsworth, JoAnn Receptionist
Ellen Cortese Cortese, Ellen Transportation Director
Philip Cortese Cortese, Philip Bus Driver
Cindy Crawford Crawford, Cindy Assistant to Athletic Director
Sara Crawford Crawford, Sara Administrative Assistant
Scott Crawford Crawford, Scott Teacher, High School Math
Michelle Cummings Cummings, Michelle Director of Business Operations
Pam Cummings Cummings, Pam Kindergarten Director
Steve Cummings Cummings, Steve Head of School
Tim Cummings Cummings, Tim Teacher, High School US History, Govt.
Clarke Davis Davis, Clarke Maintenance Director
Bailey Echols Echols, Bailey Teacher, PE
Taylor Feldman Feldman, Taylor Teacher, Middle School English
Lizzy Ford Ford, Lizzy Technology Coordinator
Janet Fowler Fowler, Janet Receptionist
Esther Fuentes Fuentes, Esther Custodial Staff
Kara Fulghum Fulghum, Kara Teacher, Middle School History
Devin Harwell Harwell, Devin Teacher, High School Science
Joy Henson Henson, Joy Teacher, High School English
Rhonda Herring Herring, Rhonda Teacher, High School Science
Michele Hockema Hockema, Michele Teacher, K-5
Sarah Holcomb Holcomb, Sarah Teacher, Upper School Science & FFA
Karen Keely Keely, Karen Teacher, Lower School 4th
Brenda Kellogg Kellogg, Brenda Bus Driver
Charles Kelly Kelly, Charles Teacher, Middle School Science
Tori Kelly Kelly, Tori Teacher, Lower School 2nd
Lacy Lamons Lamons, Lacy Teacher, Lower School 1st
Dan Lampe Lampe, Dan Coach, Boys Varsity Basketball
Kathy Lester Lester, Kathy Teacher, Lower School 3rd
Karen Lillie Lillie, Karen Teacher, K-3
Allie Marchman Marchman, Allie Teacher, Lower School 2nd
Anna Martin Martin, Anna Teacher, Middle School History
Nina McElhannon McElhannon, Nina Bus Driver
Billy Meeks Meeks, Billy Spiritual Life Director
Julie Meeks Meeks, Julie Teacher, Lower School 5th
Marie Minish Minish, Marie Librarian / Teacher, Lower School Ag
Mike Morris Morris, Mike Teacher, High School History
Thomas Morrison Morrison, Thomas Teacher, Middle/High School PE
Angie Myers Myers, Angie Principal, Middle School
Julie Myers Myers, Julie Teacher, Middle School Math
Nathan Palmer Palmer, Nathan Lunchroom Director
Tina Robolin Robolin, Tina Assistant to Lower School Principal
Whitney Salie Salie, Whitney Teacher, Art/Graphic Design
Joy Sapp Sapp, Joy Teacher, High School Math
Jordan Smith Smith, Jordan Admissions
Karis Smith Smith, Karis Teacher, K-5
Matthew Smith Smith, Matthew Teacher, High School Science/PE
Will Sprague Sprague, Will Director of Advancement and Community Relations
Amy Stephenson Stephenson, Amy Teacher, K-4
Isabelle Stevenson Stevenson, Isabelle Teacher, Lower School 1st
Tracy Stuever Stuever, Tracy Teacher, Music/Chorus
Beacham Susan Susan, Beacham ACS
Frances Tucker Tucker, Frances Lunchroom
Jeff Vaughn Vaughn, Jeff ACS TEACHER
Jake Westbrook Westbrook, Jake Baseball Coach
Porsha Westbrook Westbrook, Porsha Accounts Receivable/ FACTS Manager
Eleanor Whitlock Whitlock, Eleanor Teacher, REACH Student Support
Beth Wills Wills, Beth Kindergarten Assistant
Monica Woodlief Woodlief, Monica Teacher, High School English/Fine Arts Director
Brooke Zimmerman Zimmerman, Brooke Teacher, K-4